€1,000 up to 24 months
Renewal Fee
First Application Fee
Employment Permit Category
€750 for 6 months or less
General Employment Permit
€500 for 6 months or less
€1,500 up to 36 months
Critical Skills Employment Permit
€1,000 up to 24 months
Dependant / Partner / Spouse Employment Permit
No fee
No fee
Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit
€500 for 6 months or less
€1,000 up to 24 months
€1,000 up to 24 months
€500 for 6 months or less
€1,500 up to 36 months
Contract for Services Employment Permit
€1,000 up to 24 months
€500 for 6 months or less
€750 for 6 months or less
€1,500 up to 36 months
Reactivation Employment Permit
€1,000 up to 24 months
€500 for 6 months or less
€750 for 6 months or less
€1,500 up to 36 months
Sport and Cultural Employment Permit
€1,000 up to 24 months
€500 for 6 months or less
€750 for 6 months or less
€1,500 up to 36 months
No fee
€1,000 up to 24 months
Internship Employment Permit
€500 for 6 months or less
No fee
Exchange Agreement Employment Permit
Need help with your application?
Each work permit application has its specifics, and the process can be difficult and time-consuming. Get help from our Future Direct Immigration consultancy to avoid any risk in obtaining your permit!
The following are the fee requirements for all employment Permit types provided for in the Employment Permits Acts and associated Regulations:
Fees for Employment Permits
What are the types of work permits?
There are 9 different types of employment permits in Ireland. The most common employment permits are:
Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP)
Critical Skills Employment Permit is targeted at highly skilled people with the aim of encouraging them to take up permanent residence in Ireland. Only the Occupations included on the Critical Skills Occupations List are catered under this type of employment permit.​
General Employment Permit (GEP)
Critical Skills Employment Permit is targeted at highly skilled people with the aim of encouraging them to take up permanent residence in Ireland. Only the Occupations included on the Critical Skills Occupations List are catered under this type of employment permit.​
Dependant/Partner/Spouse Employment Permit
Spouses and de-facto partners of CSEP holders will be granted eligibility under this permit. The permit allows the holder to reside in Ireland under Stamp 1 Conditions, providing direct access to the labour market without needing an employment permit.
The other employment permits are:
Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit
The Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit is designed to facilitate the transfer of senior management, key personnel or trainees who are foreign nationals from an overseas branch of a multinational corporation to its Irish branch.
Contract for Services Employment Permit
Contract for Services Employment Permit is designed for situations where a foreign undertaking (Contractor) has won a contract to provide services to an Irish company (Relevant Person) on a contract for-services basis and to facilitate the transfer of their non-EEA employees to work on the Irish contract in Ireland.
Reactivation Employment Permit
A reactivation Employment Permit is designed to permit a non-EEA national who entered the State on a valid Employment Permit but who fell out of the system through no fault of their own or who has been badly treated or exploited in the workplace, to work legally again.
Internship Employment Permit
Internship Employment Permit is designed to facilitate employment in the State of non-EEA nationals who are full-time students, studying in a discipline relevant to the occupations included on the Critical Skills Occupations List and enrolled at a third-level institution outside the State, for the purposes of gaining work experience.
Sport and Cultural Employment Permit
The Sport and Cultural Employment Permit is designed to facilitate employment in the State of non-EEA nationals with the relevant qualifications, skills, experience or knowledge for the development, operation and capacity of sporting and cultural activities.
Exchange Agreement Employment Permit
The Exchange Agreement Employment Permit is designed to facilitate employment in the State of non-EEA nationals pursuant to prescribed agreements or other international agreements to which the State is a party.
Need help with your application?
Each work permit application has its specifics, and the process can be difficult and time-consuming. Get help from Future Direct Services to avoid any risk in obtaining your employment permit in Ireland!
Critical Skills Occupations List contains a list of jobs that are eligible for a Critical Skills Employment Permit.
Ineligible List of Occupations contains a list of jobs that are not eligible for any Employment Permits in Ireland.
Occupation lists
There are two types of occupation lists issued by The Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment(DETE).
Please note that there is no list of eligible occupations list which you can take up with the General Employment Permit. All occupations are considered eligible unless they are under the list of Ineligible Lists of Employment.
Need help with your application?
Each work permit application has its specifics, and the process can be difficult and time-consuming. Get help from Future Direct Services to avoid any risk in obtaining your employment permit in Ireland!
Need help with your application?
Each work permit application has its specifics, and the process can be difficult and time-consuming. Get help from Future Direct Services to avoid any risk in obtaining your employment permit in Ireland!
How long is a Stamp 1G valid for?
Graduates with an award at Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications will be granted a 12 months permission. This applies primarily to undergraduate students.
Persons qualifying for Stamp 1G permission of up to 12 Months of Permission
Graduates with an award at Level 9 or above on the National Framework of Qualifications qualify for the Programme and will be granted permission for 24 months permission. This applies mainly to Masters's and PhD students.
Persons qualifying for Stamp 1G permission of up to 24 Months of Permission
Please note: Graduates will be granted permission for twelve months initially. This will be renewed for a further period of twelve months where the graduate satisfies the immigration authorities that they have taken appropriate steps to access suitable graduate-level employment (e.g. attendance at job interviews, signing up with graduate employment agencies, etc.).
Stamp 1G is granted for 12 months only for graduates who
What is Stamp 1G?
Stamp 1G allows international students who hold level 8 or 9 awards from a recognised Irish awarding body to stay in Ireland after their studies for some time. Those who get Stamp 1G have the right to remain in Ireland and work full-time in accordance with employment law requirements without further authorisation. However, you are not permitted to operate a business or be self-employed under your Stamp 1G status.
If you wish to continue working after Stamp 1G expires, you must find a job that requires an employment permit and then follow the usual application process with the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment.
If you need immediate help and professional assistance with your situation? Call us now
How to apply for Stamp 1G?
Students from outside the EU/EEA who have previously registered with Irish Immigration Service for the Stamp 2 permission must apply for their Stamp 1G through Irish Immigration website for visa renewal and set up an account.
You will be requested to pay a €300 registration fee and will need copies of the following documents when submitting your first time Stamp 1G application:
Valid passport
IRP card indicating the Stamp 2 permission

A Statement of Final Results

Evidence of private medical insurance (purchased in Ireland), which must have a minimum coverage of €25,000 for in-hospital treatment in an Irish hospital.
If the application is successful a new IRP card will be posted to the address provided. There is no requirement for the applicant to attend the Burgh Quay office in person. Processing times are usually 3-5 weeks.
Who is eligible for Stamp 1G?
To be able to get Stamp 1G, applicants need to meet the following requirements:
If you wish to continue working after Stamp 1G expires, you must find a job that requires an employment permit and then follow the usual application process with the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment.
If you need immediate help and professional assistance with your situation? Call us now
Related News Updates
Stay up to date with the latest Immigration Updates and Exclusive Job Alerts.
With our Future Direct Immigration Services, we are committed to preparing your application within 3 to 5 working days.
Once we submit your application, The current waiting time can be up to 4-8 months. Once your application is submitted and approved, the Department of Justice will write a letter to inform you of the duration of the 1G extension.
You should start your Stamp 1G Extension Application 3 months before your permission expires.
Through our Future Direct Immigration Services, we can help extend your Stamp 1G permission up to 2 times for at least six months for each extension, giving you an extra time of 12 months' permission to stay in Ireland.
Who is eligible for Stamp 1G Extension?

You have not yet secured a job offer eligible for an employment permit, and your Stamp 1G is about to expire soon.

You have successfully secured employment in Ireland and are in the process of completing your employment permit application. However, an employment permit can be a lengthy process which takes many months, and your Stamp 1G immigration permission is due to expire shortly.

You become seriously injured or critically ill during your 1 or 2 years of Stamp 1G Immigration permission. Learn more about the validation period of a Stamp 1G permission.
You may be eligible for Stamp 1G Extension in circumstances where:
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Stamp 1G Extension
If your Stamp 1G permission is about to expire, we can help you apply for a Stamp 1G Extension with a minimum period of 6 months. This will give you an extra period of time to find a job eligible for a Critical Skill Employment Permit or General Employment Permit to remain in Ireland.
We have helped hundreds of people extend their Stamp 1G permission successfully. Give us a call or send us your request.
We Also Help With
Stamp 1G Extension Application
If your Stamp 1G immigration permission is due to expire shortly, we can assist you in getting 6 month visa extension, depending on individual circumstances.
Critical Skill Employment Permit Application
Allows non-EEA Nationals who are qualified in professions with a shortage of skills in Ireland to work and live in Ireland legally. After two years of employment, you can take up permanent residence (Stamp 4) in Ireland.
General Employment Permit Application
Allows non-EEA nationals to be legally employed in the Irish economy and live in Ireland. After 5 years of employment, you can take up permanent residence (Stamp 4) in Ireland.
Appeal Employment Permit Refusal
If your permit application has been refused, we can review and advise based on the information you supplied and the reasons for the visa refusal and provide physical assistance if an appeal has the potential to succeed.
Dependants / Spouses / Partners of Permit Holders Application
If you have moved to Ireland to work with an employment permit, we can assist in helping your spouses or partners, and dependent children (under 18) to join you in Ireland.
Change of Immigration Permission
Allows people who holds a valid permission, represented by a current Irish Residence Permit (IRP card) to change the type of immigration permission or stamp they have if their circumstances change.
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