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New Procedures for applications to seek a Review of an Employment Permit Decision and Stamp 4 Letter

Effective immediately, Employment Permits will be accepting applications to seek a review of an employment permit decision and applications for a Stamp 4 letter of support electronically.

Review of Employment Permit Decisions

New electronic procedures for applications for reviews of employment permit decisions have been put in place. Applications for reviews should now be submitted by filling out the required form and e-mailing it to

Decisions will be communicated to applicants by way of e-mail correspondence.

Stamp 4 Letters of Support

Applications for Stamp 4 letters of support should now be submitted by filling out the required form and e-mailing it to

Any decision on an application, including the grant letter, will be communicated to the applicant by way of e-mail. Applications that have been made by post in the last few days, can be resubmitted through the online process.

The application form to request a Stamp 4 letter of support can be found here: Request for Support Letter for Green Card/Critical Skills Employment Permit Holders seeking a “Stamp 4”

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